Chick Heat Table

This chart is a good reference for the new chick owner. Many people are hatching eggs for the first time or buying chicks and aren’t too sure what temperature is needed for what age of chick.
I hope this chart helps.

Chick AgeTemperatureConsideration
0-7 Days95°FNow is not the time to let babies stay outside the brooder more than a couple minutes.
week 290°FBabies start flying very early! Be sure the heat lamp is secure and can’t be reached.
week 385°FChicks can make short trips outside, if the weather is nice and warm.
week 480°FLet chicks enjoy more time outside, but keep a close eye on them.
week 575°FIs your house 75°F? Turn off the heat lamp.
week 670°FStart acclimating the chickens, letting them spend all day outside unless the weather is cold and rainy.
After 6 weeksReady for outsideFully feathered chicks can endure 30°F and lower. Acclimate them before putting them outside for good. Be sure coops are draft-free.