I found this graphic on Backyard Chickens regarding Chicken Predators and suggestions on securing your chicken coop.
If chickens could smile! Our chickens just love it when we cut the drone comb out of our beehives. Each of the cells contain drone larva which the chicken quickly plucks out and swallows whole.
This chart is a good reference for the new chick owner. Many people are hatching eggs for the first time or buying chicks and aren’t too sure what temperature is needed for what age of chick.I hope this chart Read more
Standard Cochin Hatching Eggs
Location: Deep Brook (Annapolis Valley), Nova ScotiaCost: $60. per dozenPick up only at this time and social distancing is in effect.
Cochins are Heritage Chickens that are recovering from the endangered list. The Standard Read more
This is our pretty Silver Laced Standard Cochin hen. She is super friendly and very inquisitive. Always the first one out of the coop and the last one in.
The Silver Laced Standard Cochin is a relatively new and Read more
It’s that time of year again when all the young roosters are looking for their own flock. We have a handsome Blue Standard Cochin who hatched in March of this year.
He has a very nice personality, enjoys free-ranging, Read more
If you’re lucky, like me I have Oak trees on my property, so I gather acorns as they drop off the trees in Read more
A couple of weeks ago we decided to make some additions to our chicken family. Our Cochin hens have been slacking off in the area of egg production this summer. As a group, they decided that they would just Read more
After the chicks are 3 weeks old, if it’s warm outside (65-70 degrees at least) and sunny, feel free to let them have a little “outdoor time”! Put them in a wire cage or erect some other temporary housing Read more
On March 24 and 25 we had seven healthy Standard Cochin chicks hatch.
Three of the chicks are splash, two are blue and the other two could be either black or blue, we won’t know for sure until they Read more