polish chicks

New Additions

A couple of weeks ago we decided to make some additions to our chicken family. Our Cochin hens have been slacking off in the area of egg production this summer. As a group, they decided that they would just laze around in their nesting boxes, eat, drink and be BROODY.

Yes, Cochins are known to be broody but this was a tad excessive.

So we decided to add a new breed of chickens to our flock. I had four musts when I was looking for a breed, 1. must be a Heritage Breed, 2. must Not be Broody, 3. must be a reasonably good egg producer and 4. must be a really attractive lawn ornament.

polish chicks
New Polish Chicks

The breed we chose was Polish. We were able to find eight, one week old chicks in our area. Hopefully, in 6-8 months, we will have lots of eggs…just as long as they’re not all roosters.